We are 'CulturAlly'
We are a
We are an
We get you to your (Cultural) funding for your artistic, social and/or educational projects
We also advice you on transition management or policy with(in) your organisation through:
We are skilled at strategically getting you to the execution of your plan
We can get you out of this loop, but you have to take the step.
Be it because of a lack of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion in your organisation or the fact that the lived experiences of many creatives is not reflected in your funding policy - We are here to help you change this!
You're at the right place!
That is possible!
This ones for you if you are a projectmanager or projectleader - but also if you are a (seasoned) artistic/cultural entrepreneur and you are ready for the next steps with funding.
Have you been changing your organizations policy? Are you 'stuck' in the same funding cycles, reaching the same type of creatives/'usual suspects'?
Are you doing 'just fine' but you would like to have some processes better automated? Have the workflow for the susbsidy advisors and overall organization flow easier when it comes to contact with the grantees?
CULTURALLY * is an independent collaborative agency and platform that fundamentally focusses on funding (financial) consultancy for the arts & culture sector ánd the creative industries.
We have a strong focus on long term funding strategies.
Don't worry, if you need short term funding advice - we've also got your back.
Here we deliver experienced-based funding (financial) advice for:
*Other services include: Workshops and Funding and Policy Consultancy.